Filter of Faith

Trials are usually something we want to avoid at all costs! I hope and pray that after reading this, that your view of trials would be drastically changed and you would actually embrace them. What are trials? I have to ask this because thats not something we use in our everyday terminology. 


The word trial in the dictionary is “a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something.” It can also be described as, “a person, thing, or situation that tests a person’s endurance or forbearance.”

James gives us the answer we are looking for as to why we would want to embrace trials. I know many of you probably have this memorized by now or at least have heard this passage before. 

James 1:2-4 (esv)

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Just a little background to this, James is writing this letter to the baby Church. This was probably one of the first letters written to the Church and it was written around the time Saul and company were persecuting the Church. At this time, there was not very much for the new Church to lean on other than what they have heard the apostles teach in person. And if there weren’t any apostles around them, then it was very hard (I could imagine) to grow. So, James wrote this, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, to the Church, so that they could have some instruction. 

Now that we got that out of the way, the first thing James tells his brothers in Christ that are being persecuted heavily for their faith is to “count it all joy.” And to even go further, James calls them trials. Remember what trials means. He is calling this persecution a test of endurance. You may be asking the same thing I asked, “why on earth would he consider people being killed for their faith as a test of endurance?” 

Then James goes on in the next verse and says, “for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” So we should know this all ready. If you don’t know this yet, put it in your memory! Trials test your faith that produces steadfastness. Trials should be seen through the Filter of Faith! He says, “for you know.”  Know this! Do not ever forget this! When you are under attack, it is a test of faith that will produce steadfastness.

What is steadfastness? It means to resolutely or dutifully stand firm and unwavering. Embrace your trials! Because when your faith in the Lord strengthens and He overcomes, you will be standing firm in victory as if you have just won a mighty battle. The more trials that come your way, the most your faith is tested, the more your faith is tested, the more firm you stand in your faith!

And lastly, “and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James is tell the persecuted Church and you today, “I know its tough, I know this is testing you to the core of who you are, but  STAND FIRM! It might be a long process but you will, when it is over, stand before God perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” 

Filter your trials through the lens of faith, stand firm in your faith and promise the Lord has spoken. It won’t be easy but the end result is the be like Jesus. Filter your hardships through this!

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The word value is not one that is used in everyday conversation. (At least not in my everyday life.) However, it is a word that is portrayed in every action, word, and thought in every second of our lives. Value is something we put towards material things like the value of our car or house. But I want to look at a simpler, more fundamental use of the word that is used at the core of who we are.

And it comes from Phil. 1:27 (ESV):

“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel”

I want to focus on the first part of this verse mostly. This brings out a few questions that need to be asked. The first word says only. Which tells me there is nothing else but this. In the context of this verse Paul is in essence saying that nothing is matters. “ONLY let your manner of life” The only thing that is worthy of your life is the gospel of Christ.

The phrase that gets me in this verse is “manner of life.” Notice that Paul could have said; “only let the way you conduct yourself around other Christians be worthy.” Or “Only let the way you conduct yourself at church, with the family, at school, ect.” He said the thing that is hardest, “manner of life.” Paul is demanding every aspect of your life. Every second. Every breath. Every heartbeat. Every thought. He wants it all to be worthy of the gospel of Christ.

The last word that needs to be pulled out, which is the most important is “worthy.” This is the most important because the word worthy is associated with value. If you find something worthy, you find it valuable. I’ll go back to what I said earlier about how we use the word value with things like our car or house. Those things do hold some value but what is supremely valuable in your life? What I mean by supremely is what holds highest importance, such importance that nothing else even compares in your eye? Paul isn’t asking or giving a suggestion that Christ should be Supremely Valuable in your life. He is saying ONLY.

Paul isn’t saying Christ should be number 1 because that implies that there are other numbers behind to compare in value. He is saying the only thing that should have value in the way you live life is Christ.

So I want to end by reflecting on these questions.

1.  Is the ONLY thing worthy of your every aspect of your life?
2.  Does your MANNER OF LIFE show that the gospel of Christ is supremely valuable?
3.  Is the gospel of Christ SUPREMELY VALUABLE in your life?

Get alone with the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these answers and ask Him to change your heart of what needs to be changed.